Roll back an upcoming rent adjustment
1. Go to the lease and to Rent adjustment in the side menu
2. Click the bill item you'd like to roll back
3. In the Adjustment journey you can see the upcoming rent adjustment at the top of the list
4. Click the 3 dots and Roll back adjustment. The rent adjustment will be crossed out, and the rent will be reverted to the amount before the adjustment.
5. Go back to Rent adjustment in the side menu and see if you also need to roll back adjustments for deposit or prepaid rent.
6. You can review the rent level by going to Rent in the lease menu and see the amount scheduled on the next bill.
Roll back a rent adjustment after a bill was sent
1. Follow the steps above to roll back the bearing adjustment
2. Remember to check the Overview to see if there are any bills sent to the tenant that need to be updated
3. Update the bill by following our guide to cancel a bill and send a new bill
Roll back rent adjustment far back in time
When you roll back a rent adjustment that happened several months ago, you have the option to follow the steps above to cancel all the bills and update the rent.
You can also choose to balance the amount by going to Rent and use Reduce bill on the upcoming bill to refund the tenant the difference.
Proper will only allow you to roll back the latest rent adjustment. Once the latest adjustment is rolled back, you can roll back the adjustment previous to the rolled back adjustment.