When you move to Proper, your tenants will start receiving automatic communication about upcoming rent. They will also be asked to pay their rent to a new bank account.
Receiving information about paying a large sum to an unknown company may seem suspicious, so we recommend that you inform your tenants of Proper through the channels where you usually communicate with your tenants.
Below you can find a draft for an email, but we encourage you to put a few words of your own about the move to Proper.
Dear [Tenant],
We’re excited to let you know that we’re making some updates to make your rental experience more transparent. Starting soon, we’ll be using a new software platform called Proper to manage rent collection for your tenancy.
What does this mean for you? Just a small change: you’ll need to update the bank account you use to pay your rent. Don’t worry—10 days before the payment deadline, you will receive an email with the new payment details. From then on, you’ll use the same account for all future payments. Once your payment is received, you’ll automatically get a confirmation receipt.
Curious about Proper? Feel free to learn more about them here: www.helloproper.com.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
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