Proper offers you to use Betalingsservice for free. All you need to do is provide Proper with a Leverandørservice mandate before we can enable Betalingsservice on your account.
Leverandørservice works in the same way as Betalingsservice and helps us handle cancelled Betalingsservice payments. It is free of charge for you and only requires your CVR number, an account and secondary approval through MitID.
What are the benefits of Leverandørservice?
Betalingsservice allows payments to be cancelled by the tenant or their bank up to 8 days after the payment date. As Proper transfers all incoming payments to you right away, when the tenant’s money is drawn back it is missing from Proper’s account. Without Leverandørservice, this would mean you would need to transfer the outstanding amount to Proper and register it in your bookkeeping manually.
With Leverandørservice Proper can handle these chargebacks automatically for you. Three bankdays before the Leverandørservice mandate is used to cover the outstanding amounts, we will inform you via email. That way you are always informed.
Proper also immediately sends the tenant a payment reminder for a standard bank transfer to ensure that you receive the money from the tenant as soon as possible.
How to see if a chargeback has been made
Beside the email notification, you can see a chargeback on the specific transaction in the lease, under the payments overview under the 'Payments' menu item or in our Payment Reconciliation report. This allows you to easily determine which tenant and payment has been charged back.
Proper uses Leverandørservice mandates strictly for one-off payments and you can revoke the mandate given to Proper by request to your bank. To read more about what it means to use Leverandørservice for your company, you can follow this link.
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