You can easily and quickly create a residential lease contract (A10) while you set up a new lease.
In the process of adding a new lease, select Create a new A10 contract. There is some additional mandatory information to fill in about utilities. You can also specify additional conditions for the contract (§10) and include special terms (§11). There is also the possibility to add attachments to the new contract that can be sent alongside the contract for digital signature.
If you didn’t fill in rent before, you will also be asked to add the information here.
In the next step, you can review your contract. A new tab with the pdf will open where you can check if all the information is correctly filled in. Please note that you need to enable pop-ups in your browser (usually on the top-right corner) in order to review.
If you want to change any data, go back to the lease and make the adjustment by either clicking on Update on the specific information or by using the left-hand menu. You can then review the new version of the contract when you click on Review again.
If everything looks correct, the contract is ready to be signed. You can select to download the contract and manage the signing yourself or send it for digital signature (via Contractbook). If you wish to send the contract for digital signature, an email needs to be added to the tenant.
When you click on Send, the contract will be sent to both tenant and landlord for digital signing. You can select the signee for the owner. As soon as both parties have signed, the lease will automatically be reviewed by us before the automation starts.
After sending the contract, it can still be revoked if necessary. Just click on Revoke and the link sent to your tenant will no longer work. You can then change information for the contract and send it again.
If you chose to download the contract to manage the signing yourself, you will need to upload the signed contract.
After uploading the signed contract, you need to approve the data before the automation of your new lease starts.
You can always get an overview of the different statuses of your contracts on the tenancy overview. Click on Tenancies and then Drafts to see an overview of all your lease drafts. In the column Contract status, you can see what the status of the contract for that lease is.
What does each status mean?
Status | Meaning |
In progress | Contract is still in progress |
Sent for signature | Contract was sent for digital signature via Contractbook |
Awaiting signature | Contract was downloaded and signing is managed manually |
Signed | Contract is signed |
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