If a bill has been sent with the wrong contact information, this can easily be fixed on our platform. Here’s how you can correct the billing contact’s information and resend your bill:
- On the lease, click on Tenants & contacts and review the information on the contact that has been labelled billing address. Click Update tenant and make the necessary updates to the contact, or re-assign the label to the correct contact.
2. Go to your lease overview and find the bill that needs to be corrected. Click Cancel bill under the three dots.
3. Once you click cancel, you will be prompted to either issue a credit note or Send new bill. If you click that, you’ll get a preview of the billed items. CIick Send new bill when you’re ready.
4. The bill will be sent with the updated information. You can go to Documents and look at the latest sent bill to verify that the changes are correct.
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