Proper enables you to add a discount to your bill. You can use this to offer your tenant a move-in incentive, give a discount in exchange for stair-cleaning or during construction work for example.
Set-up a discount
1. Navigate to Rent in the side menu
2. You can either add a discount by clicking on Add discount when you are setting up a recurring bill item or through the menu to the right of the specific bill item you want to add a discount for.
3. Specify the discount either by typing in an amount or percentage. You can also set-up how long the discount should run for by setting an end date.
4. Optionally, you can provide a description that will be displayed on the bill for the tenant.
Update an existing discount
1. To edit a discount, click on Manage discount.
2. This will open a new modal, in which you can update the amount and description.
Please note that editing the amount or description will update it for all pending and future bills. To change the discount from a specific period onwards, you need to end the current discount and set-up a new one starting in the desired period.
You can also edit a discount on a bill that has been sent to the tenant by navigating to the bill, ‘Cancel bill’ and choosing Send new bill. Click on Edit on the discounted bill line item to edit or remove the discount.
Ending or removing a discount
You can either specify an end date when setting up a discount or add an end date to the discount by clicking on Manage discount again. Use the End date field to choose your desired end date. To delete a discount entirely, click on remove discount.
Rent adjustment, deposit and prepaid rent
Proper uses the amount before the discount when setting up and calculating adjustments on rent, deposit and prepaid rent. This is to properly reflect the potential value of your rental.
Discounts in reports and in Visma e-conomic
Please note that we show the discounted value of a bill item in our reports. For example, if you charge 12.000 DKK in rent and give 500 DKK discount, we show 11.500 DKK as the amount for rent in dashboards and reports.
If you are using our Visma e-conomic integration, it is important to be aware that we also send the discounted amount to Visma e-conomic and do not send the charge and the discount separately.
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